One Year Bible ChallengeRead the entire Bible in one year in a small group setting with other Christians and seekers. No previous experience with reading or studying the Bible is necessary to participate in this life-transforming challenge. Immerse yourself in God’s Word every day and see how it will impact your life for the better.

Start reading anytime! Just download the “Chronological Reading Plan” below as well as the weekly discussion questions.

Going Deeper – Questions

Week 1       Week 14       Week 27       Week 40

Week 2       Week 15       Week 28       Week 41

Week 3       Week 16       Week 29       Week 42

Week 4       Week 17       Week 30       Week 43

Week 5       Week 18       Week 31       Week 44

Week 6       Week 19       Week 32       Week 45

Week 7       Week 20       Week 33       Week 46

Week 8       Week 21       Week 34       Week 47

Week 9       Week 22       Week 35       Week 48

Week 10     Week 23       Week 36       Week 49

Week 11     Week 24       Week 37       Week 50

Week 12     Week 25       Week 38       Week 51

Week 13     Week 26       Week 39       Week 52


Visual Resources

Ezekiel’s Vision of the Glory of God (Ezekiel 1) – One artist’s rendition
ezekiel 1 chariot
The Tabernacle (Exodus 35-40)

TabernacleTabernacle cut away

Maps of the Promised Land before and after the events in the Book of Joshua

map-7-nations-of-canaanmap-01c-conquest-of-canaan011 OT Maps Israel Tribes

“The Bible Challenge was an awesome spiritual experience I’ll never forget.  I learned so much and yet realized how little I know.  It left me with a strong yearning to learn more.  This was truly a huge leap in my journey with Christ.”  Pam Dahlstrom 
“The One Year Bible Challenge reacquainted me with some old friends from the Bible and many new.  The daily reading assignments, going deeper questions and the monthly discussion groups made for a remarkable and unforgettable experience with the Bible.  Since completing the challenge my understanding of the church, sermons, Bible readings and even secular happenings in our world have increased. Friendships within our discussion group became deeper and more meaningful as well.  I do plan to complete the challenge again.  Diane Davies